Expansion of Northoutdoor's knitwear production. Northoutdoor has started its own knitting production in Oulu in 2022. Our knitting machines will produce fully seamless knitted products. This project will increase production capacity and diversify our knitting stock. We are supported by the EU's Regional and Structural Policy Programme "Renewable and Competent Finland 2021-2027".

Building Northoutdoor's own knitting production in Oulu 2021- 2022. This project will build and launch our own knitting production. We are supported by the Finnish Structural Funds Programme for Sustainable Growth and Jobs 2014-2020 and the ELY Centre of North Ostrobothnia.
Expansion of Northoutdoor's knitwear production. Northoutdoor has started its own knitting production in Oulu in 2022. Our knitting machines will produce fully seamless knitted products. This project will increase production capacity and diversify our knitting stock. We are supported by the EU's Regional and Structural Policy Programme "Renewable and Competent Finland 2021-2027".
Building Northoutdoor's own knitting production in Oulu 2021- 2022. This project will build and launch our own knitting production. We are supported by the Finnish Structural Funds Programme for Sustainable Growth and Jobs 2014-2020 and the ELY Centre of North Ostrobothnia.