North Outdoor Brand Store Helsinki

Store opening hours

Mon-Fri 11-18

Sat 11-17

Closed on Su

Address details

Katariinankatu 4, Helsinki

Contact information

Phone to the shop: +358503217127


Our store is located in the centre of Helsinki at Katariinankatu 4. The charming Torikortteleiden area is cosy and full of attractive small shops. The location is perfect for North Outdoor, with its old and cosy atmosphere. The atmosphere in the store is friendly and unhurried. Everyone is guaranteed professional and personal service. While you shop, you can stop for a coffee on Boulevard or admire the hustle and bustle of the Market Square. 

You can check the in-store availability of products in our online shop on the product card for each product. If you want to check availability or book a product, you can call our store or send us a message. or call us or send us a message on the store's Instagram!

If we are busy, we will call you back as soon as possible.